The Ways We Express Ourselves Say More Than We Know

A T h o u g h t O n E x p r e s s i o n "All thinking begins with wondering." ~Socrates Note: Before we get started, please keep in mind that this post is for entertainment purposes only. These are just my thoughts and theories and are not intended to offend or label anyone. Q uite some time ago, I thought about something which I decided would make for an interesting blog post. Unfortunately, this took me a very long time to finish... Every time I wanted to finish this draft, I met a mental wall. Was it procrastination? Was I uninspired? Or was it doubt? Until now, I am unsure. I considered several times to drop this and delete it, but something kept me from doing so. I ended up re-reading my previous two posts belonging to this series, and that's where I must have found a spark because here it is! Another completed post. Returning to what I mentioned earlier, one night I was thinking ( I know, shocker ) and I attempted to read between the lines, ( to understa...