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My First Blogiversary + Leap Day Post!

  M y   O n e - Y e a r B l o g i v e r s a r y A Daring Leap "The best journeys answer questions that in the beginning you didn't even think to ask." ~Unknown O ne year ago, I started a blog of my own. Why? Well, I don't actually know... Becoming a blogger was never on the list of things I wanted to do or try in my life. Then two of my real-life best friends ( Hailey and McKayla ) showed us their blogs (on September 22nd, 2022), and that's how my two sisters ( Louise and Yokoshi ) and I were introduced to Blogger. At the time, Yokoshi and I were considering how we'd show our work to the world (Yokoshi's digital art and my photography). Blogger seemed like the best place to start with. At first, I wasn't sure if I even wanted to commit to a blog of my own since it seemed like a lot of work (which it is if I'm honest). But before I knew it, I was putting together my first blog and my first posts. I created a profile on February 1st, 2023, and pub

Was Odysseus a Good Leader?

W a s O d y s s e u s a G o o d L e a d e r ? "'Nobody — that's my name. Nobody — so my mother and father called me, all my friends.'" ~ Book 9 (page 223, lines 410–411) An image of a typical Greek ship. Source: Note: The book referenced throughout this was The Odyssey by Homer, Translated by Robert Fagles. Odysseus: A Proclaimed Hero In the few thousand-year-old epic poem, The Odyssey, we follow a man named Odysseus, son of Laertes, who goes on a perilous journey to return to his home in Ithaca, Greece, after becoming a hero in the Trojan War. He overcomes many obstacles and setbacks that cause his journey home to take twenty years. Owing to his brave actions in the Trojan War, Odysseus was known as a "king" and a great leader. But if he was such an acclaimed hero, how come he lost his entire army on the return trip home? What Makes a Great Leader? Leadership is the act of leading a group or an organization. A leader is an idol, one w

The Fandom Tag

T h e F a n d o m T a g "Imagination will often carry us to worlds that never were. But without it, we go nowhere." ~Carl Sagan Doll from Murder Drones I  return for a brief moment after weeks (or months) of not posting. I apologize for that... 😔 I have been occupied with different things in my life and haven't been motivated to finish some blog posts. But I made time for this one (despite procrastinating), which was short and fun. 😊 I was tagged by  McKayla  from  Tales of a Triple Threat. What's the first fandom that you remember joining? I have known the Harry Potter movies since I was little, but one hardly joins a fandom at the age of 4! So my answer to this question is  Warriors by Erin Hunter. I started reading the books when I was around 9 and attending a public school. My entire grade was obsessed with the series, so naturally, I wanted to be included. I was invested with the fandom until a few years ago when I unfortunately lost interest. It's stil

Never Have I Ever: Writer's Edition [Tag]

N e v e r   H a v e  I   E v e r :   W r i t e r 's  E d i t i o n [ T a g ] "You don't write because you want to say something... you write because you have something to say." ~F. Scott Fitzgerald I  stumbled upon this Tag on McKayla's blog, Tales of a Triple Threat  while working on my previous post (Never Have I Ever: Book Edition). Again, I wasn't tagged for this, but I hope it's alright for me to take part in it anyway, even years later. ( I wasn't on Blogger in 2020-2021, when most of these were going around ). So giving credit where credit is due, I shall now proceed to answer these questions! Never Have I Ever... 1) ...started a novel that I didn't finish. Yes. I have a series with around 5 or 7 books—all are started, but none are finished. I began writing it when I was 12 but never got through to the end because (1) it was a huge project for me, and (2) it was an ongoing story. As I was getting older, I kept changing my ideas for the stor

Never Have I Ever: Book Edition [Tag]

N e v e r H a v e I E v e r : B o o k E d i t i o n [ T a g ] "A room without books is like a body without a soul." ~Cicero Image from: Annika Larraine O ne morning, as I was drinking chamomile tea and skimming through different blogs, I came across this Tag on  Annika Larraine's  blog. I wasn't specifically nominated but wanted to do it anyway, so here we are! I first heard of "Never Have I Ever" as a drinking game from the TV show  The Big Bang Theory (hence the GIFs). Never have I ever played any version of Never Have I Ever before. So let's start with this blog post! Never Have I Ever... 1) a later book in the series first. Yes, I am guilty of this... I was around 9 years old (my last year at a public school), and everyone in my grade (or so it seemed) was reading a series called Warriors by Erin Hunter. I wanted to understand what everyone was playing at recess, so I borrowed a book from the school library. The only available copy was