The Fandom Tag

The Fandom Tag

"Imagination will often carry us to worlds that never were. But without it, we go nowhere."

~Carl Sagan

Doll from Murder Drones

I return for a brief moment after weeks (or months) of not posting. I apologize for that... 😔 I have been occupied with different things in my life and haven't been motivated to finish some blog posts. But I made time for this one (despite procrastinating), which was short and fun. 😊

I was tagged by McKayla from Tales of a Triple Threat.

What's the first fandom that you remember joining?

I have known the Harry Potter movies since I was little, but one hardly joins a fandom at the age of 4! So my answer to this question is Warriors by Erin Hunter. I started reading the books when I was around 9 and attending a public school. My entire grade was obsessed with the series, so naturally, I wanted to be included. I was invested with the fandom until a few years ago when I unfortunately lost interest. It's still a good story, but after almost 10 arcs it does drag on a bit...

A Fan's Animation of Firestar

What's the newest fandom you've come to enjoy?

Murder Drones by Glitch Productions!

This is a YouTube series about "cute drones that kill each other for reasons." My younger sisters begged me to watch it until I finally gave in, binging all 7 episodes in one day. I am no fan of horror or gore, but since it was drones made of metal and oil getting torn apart (and not humans with flesh and blood), I could tolerate it. This is one of those shows that took a little longer to grow on me... But thanks to the mystery, hidden details, memorable lines ("Oh, that's where I left my excuse to be outside right now!"), and enjoyable characters, I have become quite invested... I created a few OCs, which I play on Murder Drones: Reassembled (a fan-made game on Roblox), and I am working on a fan fiction about my roleplays. I'm not obsessed, I'm devoted... 🙃

Serial Designation N

What's a fandom guaranteed to give you feels? 

This is a tough one to answer because there are several... I shall select Miss Scarlet and the Duke as my answer to this. It is a historically accurate British mystery series with an addictive chemistry between Eliza and William (the main characters). What's not to love about that?

William and Eliza bickering, as usual.

What's a guilty pleasure fandom of yours? 

I really hate to admit it, but... My Little Pony. I haven't watched the show in years and no longer collect the pony blind bags, but I still appreciate this series (despite my parents never liking it, mainly because of the character designs). Very few children's shows are being made nowadays that are actually good, teach sensible lessons, and are wholesome. Should I mention that I still listen to some of the songs every now and then? Nah...

Yes, I'm making fun of myself for this...

What's the weirdest fandom you've heard of/are a part of?

I am unsure of how to answer this one. Every fandom is strange and filled with weirdos, is it not?

Seven from Star Trek: Voyager

What's your favorite popular/widely-known fandom?

Wings of Fire by Tui T. Sutherland. I have been invested in this fandom since 2015, and every book lives somewhere on my bookshelf. Despite having grown out of the series somewhat, I still care about the characters and the story and will continue to read as it continues.

A Fan's Test Animation of Kestrel and Webs

Favorite bookish fandom?

Most fandoms I'm into are book-related. For this question, I will say it's The Guardian Herd by Jennifer Lynn Alvarez. I'm disappointed that the fandom for such a great series is so small: barely any fanart, no YouTube series, and a Fandom Wiki page with a lot of headcannon info (at least the last time I checked). It was one of those few stories that brought tears to my eyes. Although there were only four books, each one took me along for the ride.

A grayscale image of the first book's cover.

What do you consider your home base; a fandom you can always return to?

I'm always going in and out of phases where I'm into a certain fandom and less of another. 🤷‍♀️ But if we're going by "comfort series," then usually British shows or comedies (ex. The Golden Girls, The Vicar of Dibley, Midsomer Murders, and The Big Bang Theory).

Geraldine from The Vicar of Dibley

What's a fandom you know about...but aren't actually that into?

I'm probably going to get some hate for this...

But my answer is Hazbin Hotel. The songs are (annoyingly) catchy and the story and characters are admirably written. (If I had to pick a favourite it would be a tie between Alastor and Lucifer). The characters have so much growth potential to become better versions of themselves. I am especially intrigued by Alastor because he hides so much of his true self, making it all the more exciting when we discover his true motives (hopefully in the next season).

As a fellow writer, I can appreciate the creativeness of the show, but overall it's not quite my cup of tea... I watched the pilot and one and a half episodes (all that was on YouTube at the time), but I didn't enjoy it enough to want to watch the other episodes. But by reading the Fandom Wiki and watching compilations on YouTube, I know the show almost as well as if I had actually watched it, so I suppose I could call myself an expert...😈

Mwahaha! Yes... I am EVIL.

Alastor from Hazbin Hotel

Which fandom has the best characters?

Shakespeare and Hathaway: Private Investigators.

This is perhaps my favourite British drama mystery series. It's not incredibly popular so the fandom is small, but everything is so cleverly written! I couldn't decide on a favourite character... I love them all! Luella is so considerate, Sebastian is intriguing and quirky, and Frank reminds me of my dad (also called Frank). 😄 All the characters are different and unique in ways that make their interactions enjoyable to watch. I could never get bored of this show!

Luella, Sebastian, and Frank from S&H:PI

Name your all-time favorite ship.

Tiva, as in Tony and Ziva, from NCIS. Not much needs to be said; I love good chemistry between characters and a slow-burn romance. I'm looking forward to the NCIS spinoff series revolving around Tony, Ziva, and Tali. I'm interested in what the show is going to be like storywise, especially since Europe doesn't actually have anything like a "Navy Criminal Investigative Service"...

Tony and Ziva from NCIS
Which character from one of your fandoms is most relatable to you?

In general, I don't often see characters that really resemble me completely in books or TV. I can relate to almost any character one way or another, but that's because if the protagonist wasn't relatable, people wouldn't watch the show or read the book!

After an hour-long conversation with my sister (Yokoshi), we settled on Amy from Heartland. Besides the blond hair, blue eyes, and being an equestrian, she somehow reminds us of me (but take into consideration that we've only seen a few random episodes here and there...).

Amy from Heartland

What fandom are you curious about joining?

The Lord of the Rings by J. R. R. Tolkien. I have only read the first book so far and would like to read the others and watch the movies. It's been taking me a VERY long time though... 😅  I believe a part of me is a wary of delving into the world of Middle Earth, because if I do, what if I don't want to leave...?

Legolas from LOTR

Those are my answers as of 2024. This post is now concluded! 😊

Tessa and J from Murder Drones

"Imagination should be used, not to escape reality, but to create it."

~Colin Wilson


  1. Hehe, I remember the craziness of Louise and Yokoshi trying to get everyone into Murder Drones a few months ago.....
    I went through a phase of re-watching My Little Pony last year and I thought that most of it held up pretty well. I think it's the sign of a good kids show that non-kids can still enjoy it.

    *Gasp* You're not into Hazbin Hotel?? How dare you?
    Lol, in all seriousness, though, I understand. You're not really into gore or dark humor and Hazbin has plenty of that. Glad you still appreciate the songs, though, they're the best part.

    Oohhhh, yes, Tiva forever!
    This was so fun! I'm glad you did this tag!

    1. Hehe, yeah... Yokoshi has been trying to get me to watch Murder Drones since last autumn 🙃 I'm so glad I finally watched it though; it's a great series!
      I agree! I feel like most kids' shows become more cringe the older we get, but there are some that don't. I think My Little Pony is one of them. Perhaps I'll rewatch an episode in the next few days for old times sake... 😉
      I'm glad I did this Tag as well! Thank you for tagging me! 💜

    2. Ahahhahahaaaaaa! Not into dark humor?! You are mistaken. So very mistaken...

  2. Ah, Tiva! A classic! Personally, my all time favorite ship is Nuzi (N and Uzi). 💜
    Every time I watch Heartland I always think of you! Not only are you and Amy similar in personality, you guys also share a special connection with horses! 🐎💞

    1. Oh yes, Nuzi! 💜💛
      Aw, you're so sweet 🥰


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