
Showing posts from February, 2023

The Flaming-Hot... Five Reasons Why [Tag]

T h e   F l a m i n g - H o t ... F i v e R e a s o n s W h y   T a g [Ziva and Tony from NCIS GIF] "Why do they call it a 'crush'? Because that's how you feel when they don't feel the same way in return."  ~Unknown T his is my first time taking part in a tag on Blogger! To be honest, I had to google the definition of "swoon-worthy," as I had not heard the term before I read  McKayla 's  post on her blog  Tales of a Triple Threat .  One learns something new every day! 🙃   For those of you who are like me, here is the definition of swoon-worthy, according to the internet: Swoon: verb; to be overcome with admiration, adoration, or other strong emotions.    So, I thought this would be a fun tag to do. 'Cause, why not? 😉    I'll admit I had a tricky time deciding and figuring out which characters to put on my list. I couldn't tell if I just liked the characters a lot or if there was something different about them that I liked. I ...

The Power of Words is Under-Appreciated...

W e l c o m e t o C o l o u r f u l K a l e i d o s c o p e s ! (A Thought on Words) "Life is a kaleidoscope of colors: Intricate, unexpected, beautiful."   ~Unknown G uten Tag, Bonjour, Salvete, Buenos Dias, and Hello! Welcome to my blog, Colourful Kaleidoscopes! I am a bookworm with a curious mind. I strive to learn all I can and to try new things. That’s what brought me here to Blogger. I will be posting about a variety of different things that are related to my hobbies and interests, or anything that happens to cross my mind.     Have you ever googled the definition of a word, even though you already had a basic idea of what it means? Did you gain a different perspective on the word afterward? For example, words such as bemused ( being puzzled, confused, or bewildered ) or reality ( a thing that exists, in fact, having previously only existed in one's mind ).     We use hundreds, perhaps thousands, of words daily, yet we're not even sure what a goo...