Pictures and Poems: A Collection of My Little Writings
~A Collection of My Little Writings~
"Writing to me is simply thinking through my fingers."
~Isaac Asimov
A Magpie in Germany (2022). |
Once upon a time... (Just kidding, I don't start stories like that anymore.) My sister Yokoshi and I were working through the topic of poems in school. We learned about the different types and how they are structured, such as Tanka poetry and Haiku poetry (Japanese).
I'll be honest: I never was a huge fan of poetry. So when I go to college, I shall be skipping the Medieval French Poetry lectures. π But I did find it interesting to learn about writing in some different styles, other than what I'm used to.
In 2017 I started writing "prophecies" inspired by those in the Wings of Fire series. I didn't realize how similar prophecies and poems were until now. I still write a new prophecy every once in a while, but I'll save those for another post.
I recently re-read some short writings of mine that I did for school, and I thought that I could put the best ones on a blog post and add some fitting pictures; something a bit like a lyrical photoshoot or photo story. So here they are!
[For the diamante poems, I added the sequence of images after the words. The whole point of this style is that the words form the shape of a diamond. If I added the images between the lines, that would have defeated the purpose.]
Cold, silent
Freezing, snowing, hiding
Frost, snowflakes, leaves, flowers
Warmth, traveling, thriving
Green, sunny
Windy, chilly
Fading, blowing, changing
Colourful leaves, bare branches, buds, blossoms
Reviving, blooming, growing
Colourful, hopeful
πA Poem Inspired by Song #129 in "The Book of Songs" by Confuciusπ
[Note: I slightly rewrote my original poem because I didn't like some of the phrasings.]
September 2017 |
Do not fight the flow of the river;
The current will only slow you.
Do not turn away from the truth;
The truth will not ignore you.
June 2014 |
Do not flee the flow of the river;
The current will only push you back.
Do not try to bury the truth;
The lies will only weigh you down.
September 2017 |
Do not fear the flow of the river;
The current will only pull you under.
Do not try to hide the truth;
The truth will always be found.
September 2017 |
But if you face the flow of the river,
the current will take you where you need to go.
If you accept the truth as it comes,
the more likely it is that the truth can be changed.
September 2017 (My personal favourite) |
π The Same Mistake (A Fable) π
August 2018 |
There once was a herd of horses who were led by an ambitious stallion. He wanted his herd to be the strongest and most powerful, and to prove this, he decided to attack and take over a neighbouring herd that lived hidden in the snowy mountain peaks above the lowlands.
November 2022 |
The ambitious leader decided to wait until winter came when the enemy herd would be cold and weak. He didn’t realize that winters in the mountains were very harsh.
November 2022 |
After many of his herd died trying to climb the peaks, the leader decided to turn back. He felt so embarrassed and ashamed that he forbade it to be spoken of again.
November 2019 |
As time went on, the herd pretended that their attempted invasion had never occurred, even after their leader had passed. A few steeds who were young at the time had now grown old, and they were the only ones to faintly recall their past leader’s error.
June 2018 |
So, when the new herd leader decided to cross the mountains, the elderly steeds attempted to tell him that his plan would end in failure. “Nonsense!” He cried and proceeded with his quest.
It wasn't long into their climb when a heavy snowfall began. Some of the older steeds had decided to stay back in the safety of the lowlands, but the few that had followed died along with many of the younger steeds.
March 2019 |
Utterly defeated, the leader and a couple of survivors returned to the lowlands and the elders. He asked them in bewilderment, “How could this have happened?”
“Our herd has made many mistakes,” one of the mares answered. “One of the worst was not teaching the new generation about our history, and how your grandfather had tried to cross the mountains in winter, just as you had. He failed, of course, and lost most of the herd. We decided to never speak of it again, but now I see, that was another mistake.”
The leader stood still with astonishment for a long while before he lowered his head, saying, “I have taken the same missteps. How could I be so foolish?”
Another elderly steed stepped forward and said, “We tried to tell you; to warn you. But you dismissed us, and now we are a broken herd.”
June 2018 |
The Moral: Those who don't learn history and ignore the past are more likely to repeat the same mistakes.
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"If you want to be a writer, you must do two things above all others: read a lot and write a lot."
~Stephen King
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