My Best Snapshots from 2017


"All improvement in your life begins with an improvement in your mental pictures." ~Brian Tracy

When I think of 2017, this sunrise picture comes to my mind (taken July 2017).

Greetings, my fellow readers! 😊This is the second post in my "Snapshots" series where I will find the best pictures I have taken over the years since I first started with photography.

Now, I can feel you all thinking, "Wait, why did she skip 2015 and 2016?" Well, I have very few pictures from those years, and none of them were worth sharing. I also lost my camera for the majority of those two years, and I didn't start taking photography more seriously until the summer of 2017. These are the best ones I made. I hope you enjoy them!

All of these were taken with my first camera: Canon Powershot A2500 (silver)

July 2017

Evening Clouds
Closeup of my orchid.

August 2017

My night light.
Closeup of my nightlight.
The sun through the trees (at Bridgeport State Recreation Area) before the eclipse.

The darkened sky right before the total eclipse.

Chimney Rock, Nebraska
Some lovely flowers near Chimney Rock.
A bee fly (Bombyliidae) on a sunflower in Nebraska.

September 2017

These are either Woodsprites from Pandora (Avatar 2009) or Virgin's Bower (Clematis ligusticifolia). Take your pick! πŸ˜‰
This was (most likely) a young Gopher Snake (Pituophis catenifer).
I assume this was a juvenile Prairie Lizard (Sceloporus undulatus).
A pond near Waterton Canyon.
The South Platte River
(Also) the South Platte River.
Closeup of the South Platte River.

My favourite scene (Waterton Canyon).

October 2017 (Trip to Germany)

The sunrise at my house (only picture for October not taken in Germany).
An interesting cloud formation in the clouds (picture taken from an airplane).
The view from the airplane (somewhere in America).
An areal view of Charlotte, South Carolina (but I'm only 95% certain of the place).
Hachenburg, Germany

A German Forest


Cattails at a pond.

A fungi-covered log.
Autumn Trees
The trees in my grandfather's backyard.
Splashing water from a fountain.
A flock of Mallard ducks.
A female Mallard duck.
A male Mallard duck.
My favourite species of duck: The Mandarin duck (Aix galericulata)!
Okay, enough ducks. Here's a cute picture of my favourite breed of cattle: The Scottish Highland Cattle.
Two dairy cows grazing in the evening sun.
A very sweet kitty my sisters and I called Sonne. He lived at the farm we stayed at for part of our Germany trip.
A cute picture of another kitty loving on the farm's dog, Paula.

Which ones are your favourite? I'd love to know! πŸ’š

"If it's worth doing, it's worth overdoing." ~Ayn Rand


  1. Wow Beautiful Snapshots Hividah. I think My favorites are the German Forest and the Grazing cows with the sun. they are all Amazing. I Miss Germany. <3

    1. Thank you, Louise! Yeah, I miss Germany too sometimes.

  2. Ack! These posts are horrible! So much nostalgia! Too much nostalgia! Help me!!!!! πŸ˜‚πŸ€ͺ😝

  3. These are all so beautiful! <3 I love that you included little stories/descriptions to go along with each picture.


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