Never Have I Ever: Book Edition [Tag]

N e v e r H a v e I E v e r : B o o k E d i t i o n [ T a g ] "A room without books is like a body without a soul." ~Cicero Image from: Annika Larraine O ne morning, as I was drinking chamomile tea and skimming through different blogs, I came across this Tag on Annika Larraine's blog. I wasn't specifically nominated but wanted to do it anyway, so here we are! I first heard of "Never Have I Ever" as a drinking game from the TV show The Big Bang Theory (hence the GIFs). Never have I ever played any version of Never Have I Ever before. So let's start with this blog post! Never Have I Ever... 1) a later book in the series first. Yes, I am guilty of this... I was around 9 years old (my last year at a public school), and everyone in my grade (or so it seemed) was reading a series called Warriors by Erin Hunter. I wanted to understand what everyone was playing at recess, so I borrowed a book from the school library. The only available copy was...