My Best Snapshots from 2017

~ S n a p s h o t s ~ ... 2 0 1 7 ... "All improvement in your life begins with an improvement in your mental pictures." ~Brian Tracy When I think of 2017, this sunrise picture comes to my mind (taken July 2017). G reetings, my fellow readers! ๐This is the second post in my "Snapshots" series where I will find the best pictures I have taken over the years since I first started with photography. Now, I can feel you all thinking, "Wait, why did she skip 2015 and 2016?" Well, I have very few pictures from those years, and none of them were worth sharing. I also lost my camera for the majority of those two years, and I didn't start taking photography more seriously until the summer of 2017. These are the best ones I made. I hope you enjoy them! All of these were taken with my first camera: Canon Powershot A2500 (silver) July 2017 Evening Clouds Closeup of my orchid. August 2017 My night light. Closeup of my nightlight. The sun through the trees (at Brid...