
Showing posts from August, 2023

My Best Snapshots from 2017

~ S n a p s h o t s ~ ... 2 0 1 7 ... "All improvement in your life begins with an improvement in your mental pictures."  ~Brian Tracy When I think of 2017, this sunrise picture comes to my mind (taken July 2017). G reetings, my fellow readers! ๐Ÿ˜ŠThis is the second post in my "Snapshots" series where I will find the best pictures I have taken over the years since I first started with photography. Now, I can feel you all thinking, "Wait, why did she skip 2015 and 2016?" Well, I have very few pictures from those years, and none of them were worth sharing. I also lost my camera for the majority of those two years, and I didn't start taking photography more seriously until the summer of 2017. These are the best ones I made. I hope you enjoy them! All of these were taken with my first camera:  Canon Powershot A2500 (silver) July 2017 Evening Clouds Closeup of my orchid. August 2017 My night light. Closeup of my nightlight. The sun through the trees (at Brid...

My Best Snapshots from 2014

~ S n a p s h o t s ~ ... 2 0 14 ... "Improvement usually means something that we have never done before."  ~Shigeo Shingo My favourite picture from (June) 2014. G reetings, my fellow readers! ๐Ÿ˜ŠThis is the first post in my "Snapshots" series where I will find the best pictures I have taken over the years since I first started with photography. I'm not going to write a lot because (1) I'm feeling tired, and (2) I want the main focus to be on the pictures. ๐Ÿ™ƒ All of these were taken with my first camera: Canon Powershot A2500 (silver) June 2014 Mountain Meadow Swift Creek Swift Creek Landscape Tall Grass (Wow, I must've been short back then!) Mountain Flora A different angle of Swift Creek. Creek Closeup A palomino named Summer. A bay called Clinton. Willow Creek Hidden Pond (Also) Hidden Pond June 2014 (Trip to Kent, England) We can sea the Atlantic! Wallabies at the farm we stayed at in Smarden, Kent. Another wallaby enjoying some bread. Bodiam Castle ...