
Showing posts from April, 2023

Shouldn't Every Day Be Earth Day?

S h o u l d n 't E v e r y D a y B e E a r th D a y ? (Promo for My New Blog ) "The Earth does not belong to us. We belong to the Earth.”  ~Chief Seattle H ello everyone, and Happy Earth Day! 🌍🌎🌏 Whenever April 22nd comes around, besides thinking about what good I can do for the Earth, I wonder... Is Earth Day just one day when people appreciate and do something good for the planet? Or is it a day when people look back and feel proud about what they did in the past year for the Earth? Then I think about some of the things I've seen; the trash glittering around the highways and people spraying their entire homes with different poisons to keep nature from "invading." Why should we care for our environment on just 1 day out of 365? After all, we spend every day on this planet. So, shouldn’t every day be Earth Day? 🌱 ~~~ Here is a post from a fellow Blogger I admire, where she wrote a letter from Earth to us human beings. It's well-written and moving, so I h...

How My Hobbies and Interests Began

  H o w   M y H o b b i e s a n d I n t e r e s t s B e g a n "Life isn't about finding yourself. Life is about creating yourself." ~George Bernard Shaw My camera and its lenses. H ello everyone! Welcome to my fifth-ever post on Blogger. This time I thought I would tell you about my hobbies and interests and how I got started with them. I am not trying to brag, but instead, I am writing this in the hopes that it will inspire someone to pursue and explore a random interest. You never know where it could take you! 😉 [ Note: This is going to be a rather long post...] HOBBIES Photography (2014-Present) I have always found cameras fascinating. I think of them as little devices that can capture a memory or a moment in time so that it lasts forever. For me, that's very valuable (as I am terrified of forgetting everything I care about someday...). I would be distraught if I lost all my pictures, videos, or my camera. The first time I remember using a camera was in the fall ...

Could Pressure Be A New Starting Point?

A T h o u g h t O n P r e s s u r e "Sometimes when you are closest to your breakthrough the pressure is the greatest. You have come too far to give up now!"  ~Joyce Meyer    Both pictures were taken by me. No one was present to witness the can bursting. I 'm sure that at some point in our lives, we've all felt like an aluminum can filled with so much pressure that we could burst at any moment. It's common knowledge that something under tension will find a way to escape. Depending on your viewpoint, it could be a tragic explosion or a new starting point. Some of you might be feeling that way right now. It can be overwhelming, but I hope you know that, no matter what, there's always someone out there you can talk to. You're not alone. 🙂 There are numerous reasons why we could feel under pressure. Maybe it's as minor as wanting to do too many things. 😅 Maybe it's something more. 🤔 Or a combination of different things... Perhaps it's the state...

How "Born and Bred" Should Have Ended [Collaboration]

  H o w B o r n a n d B r e d S h o u l d H a v e E n d e d (A Collaboration with Louise and Yokoshi ) "You can't go back and change the beginning, but you can start where you are and change the ending." ~C.S. Lewis NOTE:  This is a collaboration with my younger sisters,  but there will only be one post about it on this Blog (Colourful Kaleidoscopes). M y sisters and I watched this series sometime in 2022. It was an intriguing and chaotic (but in a good way) story that we enjoyed watching! It did have its sad and dramatic parts though (such as when one of the main characters died). What I liked the most was that several different things were happening simultaneously with the characters throughout the episode that all came together funnily and entertainingly in the end. But the show's ending was a disappointment (which wasn't the writer's fault as they didn't know it would get canceled after series 4). So my sisters and I initially made a PowerPoint sl...