Shouldn't Every Day Be Earth Day?

S h o u l d n 't E v e r y D a y B e E a r th D a y ? (Promo for My New Blog ) "The Earth does not belong to us. We belong to the Earth.” ~Chief Seattle H ello everyone, and Happy Earth Day! 🌍🌎🌏 Whenever April 22nd comes around, besides thinking about what good I can do for the Earth, I wonder... Is Earth Day just one day when people appreciate and do something good for the planet? Or is it a day when people look back and feel proud about what they did in the past year for the Earth? Then I think about some of the things I've seen; the trash glittering around the highways and people spraying their entire homes with different poisons to keep nature from "invading." Why should we care for our environment on just 1 day out of 365? After all, we spend every day on this planet. So, shouldn’t every day be Earth Day? 🌱 ~~~ Here is a post from a fellow Blogger I admire, where she wrote a letter from Earth to us human beings. It's well-written and moving, so I h...